Know your speakers: Martin Hofrichter at the Dead Wood Meeting 2021

I would like to make a series of introduction posts to welcome our keynote speakers at the Dead Wood Meeting 2021

Martin Hofrichter

Martin Hofrichter, Prof. Dr. is based at TU Dresden (International Institute Zittau, Chair of Environmental Biotechnology) in Germany (Saxony). His dead wood interests rotate around fungal enzymes, functional diversity, lignin degradation, and peroxidases. He has been doing teaching on enzymology, mycology and microbial ecology at TU Dresden and is currently working on dead wood degradation in the German Biodiversity Exploratories and fungal peroxygenases. In the Dead Wood Meeting on 26 October, his keynote will cover such topics as lignin degradation, white-rot fungi and the manganese peroxidase system. Learn more about Martin through his homepage

Register for the Dead Wood Meeting 2021 by 10 October.
