I would like to make a series of introduction posts to welcome our keynote speakers at the Dead Wood Meeting 2021
Rannveig M. Jacobsen
Dr. Rannveig M. Jacobsen currently works as a researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, and as an associate professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, where she teaches advanced entomology. She describes herself as a forest ecologist, and her main interest is insect-fungus interactions in dead wood and how this affects community composition and decomposition. Her keynote will focus on this topic, aiming to provide both an overview of this broad and exciting topic, and some in-depth examples from her own work. More information about Rannveig can be found through employee info at NINA. For Norwegian readers, she also has several contributions to the insect ecology blog Insektøkologene – En forskerblogg om insektenes fantastiske verden (nmbu.no).
Register for the Dead Wood Meeting 2021 by 10 October.