Ad lignum arborum coniferarum in aedificiis
Recorded presentations
Prototype Digital Twin (pDT) for DNA detected biodiversity in cryptic habitats
Bringing together modelling and supercomputing power in BioDT use cases
Shaping community norms: GBIF experience in DNA derived data, talk at the 3rd Estonian Taxonomy Day: Biodiversity Digital Services, 14 May 2022 (from 3:00:20)
Webinar: Data papers describing datasets on vectors of human diseases, 2022 (with Scott Edmunds, GigaScience)
Russia 2021: data papers, webinar (in Russian, with Lyubomir Penev and Maxim Shashkov)
Mapping and Publishing Sequence-Derived Data through Biodiversity Data Platforms. TDWG 2020 presentation.
GBIF: global impact and scientific perspectives. Plenary talk at the III сonference Information Technologies in Biodiversity Research, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 05–10 October, 2020 (In Russian)
Update on the forthcoming GBIF guide to publishing sequence-based biodiversity data. GBIF community webinar: June 2020 (from 4:50)
Questions and answers on publishing data papers in Biodiversity Data Journal (in Russian, with Lyubomir Penev)
Shining a light on ‘dark taxa’: GBIF Governing Board 25 – Ireland, October 2018
Портал GBIF.ORG: принципы работы, публикация данных, новости – Russia, Oct 2016
Shining a light on Open biodiversity information: international perspectives: Suomen Lajitietokeskus Finland, May 2015
Titles & slides
Presentations from the pandemy and later times not listed
- Schigel DS, Penev L, Georgiev T, Kolesnikova M 2020: Questions and answers on publishing data papers in Biodiversity Data Journal: GBIF, Pensoft; webinar.
- Schigel DS, de Boer H, Endresen D 2020: BioDATA – Biodiversity data management skills for students: Eurasia Higher Education Summit 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; oral presenation, panel discussion.
- Schigel DS, Finn R, Buttigieg PL, Cochrane G, Hobern D, Drysdale R, Lanfear J, Jeppesen J, Mitchell A, Kõljalg U, Nilsson H, Abarenkov K 2019: Crosslinking, coverage, and access improvements in global biodiversity data: iBOL8, Trondheim, Norway; oral presenation.
- Schigel DS Jeppesen T, Finn RD, Cochrane G, Kõljalg U, Quast C, Lanfear J, Orrell TM, Hobern D, Miller JT 2019: Going molecular: sequence-based spatiotemporal biodiversity evidence in GBIF: biodiversity_next, Leiden, Netherlands; oral presenation.
- Schigel DS 2019: How to publish a data paper: Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America 2019, Louisville, Ketucky; oral presenation.
- Schigel DS 2019: Data dialogues: Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America 2019, Louisville, Ketucky; symposium chairing and moderation.
- Schigel DS 2019: Fungi, sequences, and global biodiversity: boosting the impact of mycology through primary data: XVIII Congress of European Mycologists, Białowieża, Poland; oral presentaion.
- Schigel DS Finn RD, Lanfear J, Jeppesen T, Kõljalg U, Miller JT 2019: Sequences, Samples, Specimens, Citizens: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California; oral presenation.
- Schigel DS 2018: Global and national biodiversity initiatives, socio-economic potential, and scalability of reintroduction of fungi into dead wood. V European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland; oral presenation.
- Schigel DS 2018: Data citation and DOIs. V European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland; booth presenation.
- Schigel DS 2018: Dataset classes. V European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland; booth presenation.
- Schigel DS 2018: Global Biodiversity Information Facility: development goalsand update 2018. Information Technologies in the Research of Biodiversity, Irkutsk, Russia; keynote presentation.
- Schigel DS, Finstad AG, Hobern D 2017: Data Openness in Ecology. Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting of BES, GFÖ, NecoV and EEF 2017, Ghent, Belgium; poster presentation.
- Schigel DS, Page R & Hobern D 2017: Bridging biodiversity evidence through data standards: the GBIF perspectives towards molecular data. iBOL7, Kruger, South Africa; oral presenation.
- Schigel DS, Döring M, Page R, Kõljalg U, Hebert P. 2017: Linking molecular and morphological biodiversity evidence by building a single name space. TDWG 2017, Ottawa, Canada; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2017: Global data in mycology and other biodiversity sciences. International Symposium of Interactions of fungi with plants, animals and human being. Tokyo, Japan; oral presentation.
- Hobern D, Schigel DS 2017: Observation data for global monitoring and modelling – a GBIF perspective. XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2017: Publishing and using biodiversity data in research. ForBio Annual Meeting, Bergen, Norway; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2017: Global biodiversity data for science and policy: the GBIF perspective. The use of modern information technologies in botanical investigations, conference. Apatity, Russia; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2017: Open biodiversity data in research – uses and challenges. GBIF User Club, Lund, Sweden: oral presentation.
- Braak K, Schigel D, Hahn A 2016: Progress in standardizing sampling-event data. TDWG 2017, Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica; oral presentaion.
- Schigel D 2016: Lichens and global biodiversity data. Lichens in Deep Time – VIII IAL Symposium, Helsinki, Finland; oral presentation.
- Schigel D, Masinde S, Hobern D, Dröge G 2016: Crosslinking species occurrences and molecular evidence for species identities. Global Genome Biodiversity Network conference 2016, Berlin, Germany; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2016: Species, habitats and skills: teaching boreal biodiversity and data across borders. ForBio Annual Meeting, Trondheim, Norway; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Viertiö V 2016: On the wings of bark beetles: Ips typographus and fungal arrival to spruce trees in Finland. IX symposium on the conservation of saproxylic beetles, Genk, Belgium; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2016: GBIF intiatives on data quality. Biodiversity Data Quality Symposium: Developing A Common Framework To Improve Fitness For Use Of Biodiversity Data. São Paulo, Brasil; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2016: Global Biodiversity Information Facility: linking data through names. LUOMUS, Helsinki, Finland; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2015: Data papers and DOIs. EMODnet WP4 workshop. Crete, Greece; oral presentaion.
- Schigel DS 2015: Biodiversity Informatics and Fungal Data. XVII Congress of European Mycologists, Funchal, Portugal; oral presentaion.
- Schigel DS 2015: Портал принципы работы, публикация данных, новости. GBIF seminar, Moscow, Russia; oral presentaton.
- Schigel DS 2015: Open biodiversity information: international perspectives. Suomen Lajitietokeskus – seminaari eliölajitiedon merkityksestä, Helsinki, Finland; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2015: Global Biodiversity Information Facility and agrobiodiversity data. International Workshop on Crop Agrobiodiversity Monitoring, Montpellier, France; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2015: Using biodiversity data in conservation biology. International and European Congresses of Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Khalikov R 2015: Биологические данные: ресурсы и публикации. III (XI) International botanical conference of young scientists. Saint Petresburg, Russia; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2015: Global Biodiversity Information Facility и агробиоразнообразие: цели, задачи и перспективы. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry, Saint Petersburg, Russia; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Hirsch T 2014: Arctic data and Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Arctic Biodiversity Congress, Trondheim, Norway; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2014: Field and not-so-field courses: Finland as a ForBio member. ForBio Annual Meeting, Tromsø, Norway, 24–26 Feb 2014; plenary talk.
- Schigel DS 2014: The secret life of Christmas trees: climbing, drilling, DNA – Dmitry Schigel. Ecosystem services from dead wood in North European forests, network meeting, METLA, Vantaa, Finland, 7–8 April 2014; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2014: Trees, fungi, students – SAB / MRG Annual meeting, Helsinki–Espoo, Finland, 26–28 May 2014; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2014: Colonization gates: molecular ecology of the tree–fungus–beetle triangle. — VIII Symposium on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Basel, Switzerland, 13–15 June 2014; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2013: Molecular ecology of wood-decaying fungi: an update from Helsinki — North European Forest Mycologists kick-off meeting, Estonia, 31 January 2013; flashlight talk.
- Schigel DS 2013: Fungal conservation 2.0: molecular inventories, ex situ actions, species translocation and urban dead wood. British Mycological Society, annual meeting, UK, 11 September 2013; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Koivula H, Piirainen E, Laiho L 2013: In the hot seat: managing data- and workflows between biologists and computers. TDWG Annual Conference, Florence, Italy; 31 October 2013, flashlight talk.
- Schigel DS 2013: Molecular ecology of wood-decaying fungi and fungivory of Coleoptera. The wild mushroom chase 2013 in Kyoto: exploring natural history, ecosystem function, and community interaction networks of the kingdom Fungi: Ecological society of Japan & Kyoto University, Japan, 6 November 2013; keynote lecture.
- Schigel DS 2013: Fungivory of Coleoptera: natural history, species interactions and molecular community ecology. Tatsunokuchi field station, Kanazawa University, Japan, 10 November 2013; lecture.
- Schigel DS 2013: Colonization gates: fungal arrival to living wood & varia. University of Helsinki, Finland, 14 November 2013, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2013: Nordic-Russian boreal forest biodiversity education network. Kick-off seminar for the Nordic–Russian Cooperation Programme, Helsinki, Finland, 18 November; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2013: Colonization gates and establishment of wood-decaying fungi in European Spruce. Who-is-doing-what with fungi and wood in Finland, nanosymposium, University of Helsinki, Finland, 20 November 2013; flashlight talk.
- Schigel DS 2013: The fundamental triangle: trees, fungi, insects. Biodiversity in Dead Wood course, University of Helsinki, Finland, 21 November 2013; lecture.
- Schigel DS 2013: Looking for colonization gates: fungal communities in dead and living wood of Norway spruce & NEFOM network meeting, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden, 26 November 2013; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2013: The fundamental triangle: trees, fungi, insects. University of Helsinki, Finland, 29 November 2013; docentship trial lecture.
- Schigel DS 2012: National electronic checklist of fungi and the Academy postdoc plans.— Sienisystematiikan ja -ekologian työpaja, Konnevesi, Finland, 19–22 April 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Colonization gates and establishment of wood-decaying fungi in European Spruce: beetles, fungi, trees, molecular identification & taxonomy databases: Academy project introduction / nimistökoordinaatori work for the FMNH. — Aleksanteri seminar, LUOMUS – Finnish Museum of Natural History, Finland, 3 May 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Finnish Biological Records Centre & OpenUP! — Project meeting, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, 9 May 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Fungivory of Coleoptera: natural history, species interactions and molecular community ecology. — Rothamsted Research, UK, 10 May 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Fungivory of Coleoptera: natural history, species interactions and molecular community ecology. — VII European Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Granada, Spain, 11–14 May 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Molecular methods of detection of xylotrophic fungi in decaying wood. — Mycelial lifestyle and ecological tophic groups of fungi. VI All-Russian International mycological school & conference. Zvenigorod Biological station, Moscow State University, Russia, 22–28 July 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Taxonomy content. — SWE / NOR / FIN taxonomy coordinator´s meeting. LUOMUS – Finnish Museum of Natural History, Finland, 24 August 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Names, databases, molecules, trees, beetles, and fungi — Aleksanteri seminar, LUOMUS – Finnish Museum of Natural History, Finland, 12 September 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Surveys & sequencing: community development in wood-inhabiting fungi. — 2012 MRG / SAB Annual Meeting, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 3–7 October 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Species and names: building the taxonomy and nomenclature database in Finland. — 2012 TDWG Annual Conference, Beijing, China, 22–26 October 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Taxonomy content: an update from Finland — Taxonomy coordinator´s meeting, Artdatabanken, Sweden, 7 November 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: Surveys & sequencing: community development in wood-inhabiting fungi in European spruce — Mykopat seminar, Sweden, 8 November 2012; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2012: The secret life of Christmas trees: molecular ecology of wood-decaying fungi — Wood Decay Fungi: more than just a load of rotters. BMS Autumn Open meeting, UK, 17 November 2012; invited lecture.
- Schigel DS, Ovaskainen O, Ali-Kovero H & Norros V 2011: Molecular detection and diversity restoration of threatened wood-decaying Basidiomycetes. — XVI Congress of European Mycologists, Halkidiki, Greece, 19–23 September 2011; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2011: Molecular indentification and conservation of fungi. — XX Nordic Mycological Congress, Visby – Gotland , Sweden, 25–30 September 2011; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2011: XVI CEN, XX NMC and molecular identification of fungi. — Forest pathology seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland, 5 October 2011; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2011: Molecular detection and diversity restoration of threatened wood-decaying Basidiomycetes. — Wood-decaying fungi: molecular mycology. International meeting, University of Helsinki, Finland, 11 November 2011; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2011: Beetles of fungi: ecological aspects of fungivorous Сoleoptera. — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 19 December 2011; seminar.
- Schigel DS, Semenova TA & Viner I 2011: Communities of xylotrophic fungi: dynamics, molecular identification and diversity restoration. — Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 21 December 2011; seminar.
- Schigel DS 2010: Metapopulation Research Group expedition to Marojejy National Park, Madagascar, 2009. — MRG Annual meeting, Kilpisjärvi, Finland, 20–24 May 2010; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2010: Saproxylic Coleoptera and their fungal microhabitats in Finnish old-growth forests.— VI European Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15–17 June 2010; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Ovaskainen O, Hottola J & Norros V 2010: Hidden diversity of forest Basidiomycetes: high-throughput sequencing and molecular identification of mycelia and spores in soil, wood, and air samples. — IX International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 1–6 August 2010; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2010: Grazing on hyphae: fruit body and larval structures in fungus–beetle interactions. — IX International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 1–6 August 2010; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2010: A way to strengthen the expert role of FMNH: a mycological perspective. — FMNH Research Seminar, Mustio, Finland, 16–17 September 2010; oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2010: Basidiomycete communities in dead wood: from mycelia to fruit bodies. — Sienisystematiikan ja -ekologian työpaja, Konnevesi, Finland, 13–17 April 2011; oral presentation.
- Ovaskainen O, Hottola J, Schigel DS, Norros V & Nokso-Koivisto J 2009: 454-sequencing of wood-decaying fungi (and soil and air) samples. — Nordforsk network meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 27–29 October 2009, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2009: Trapping versus surveys: lessons from fungus–insect interaction studies. — Threatened Beetle and Lichen Species as Nature Conservation Tools international workshop, Lammi, Finland, 14–17 December 2009; oral presentation.
- Niemelä T & Schigel DS 2008: Five research projects on Finnish Aphyllophorales and agarics: MOSSE & PUTTE 2003–2007. — Research Programme of Deficiently Known and Threatened Forest Species. PUTTE closing seminar. 15–16.I.2008. Finnish Environment Institute, Finland, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Kochetova OS & Semenov VB 2008: Fungivorous beetles in the park and forest landscapes of hemiboreal Europe. — V Conference on saproxylic beetles – Bridging the gap: towards landscape conservation, Lüneburg, Germany 14–16 June 2008, oral presentation.
- Kochetova OS, Semenov VB & Schigel DS 2008: Rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) associated with wood-decaying polypore Ganoderma applanatum (Basidiomycetes) in Finland and Russia. — V Conference on saproxylic beetles – Bridging the gap: towards landscape conservation, Lüneburg, Germany 14–16 June 2008, poster.
- Schigel DS 2007: Fungivorous beetles and the database work. – IV Nordic Saproxylic Network workshop, Białowieża, Poland, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2007: Polypores of Åland. – XVIII Nordic Mycological Congress, Nykøping Falster, Denmark, poster presentation.
- Schigel DS 2006: Boreal polypores. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Zoological Museum, Russia, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2006: Saproxylic seasons & mapping Finnish Aphyllophorales. – University of Helsinki, Botanical Museum, Finland, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2006: Life of fungivore Beetles. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Russia, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2006: Rarity and seasonality in saproxylic world. – IV Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Vivoin, France, 27–29 June 2006, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Niemelä T, Larsson KH & Larsson E 2006: Molecular phylogeny of Postia – Olgoporus complex of poroid Basidiomyces. – VIII International Mycological Congress, Cairns, Australia, 20–25 August 2006, poster.
- Niemelä T & Schigel DS 2006: Uhanalaisten ja puutteellisesti tunnettujen kääväkkäiden ja niistä riippuvien kovakuoriaisten tutkimus. – MOSSE maalisuoralla – monimuotoisuusseminaari Hanasaaressa 4–6.9.2006, Finland, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, 2006: Polypores and their beetles. – Taxonomy and Biology of Polyporaceae. University of Helsinki, Lammi Biological Station, Finland, course, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, 2006: Fungi and vegetation of North Queensland & IMC8. – University of Helsinki, Botanical Museum, Finland, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2005: Collecting and storing field data. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology, Russia, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2005: Trends in Academic Writing and Conference Presentation. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology, Russia, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2005: Links of the saproxylic chain in European boreal forests – Fungi in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems: International Conference dedicated to the centenary of the beginning by professor A. S. Bondarcev his research activity at the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 24–28 April 2005, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2005: Links of the saproxylic chain in European boreal forests. – Taxonomy and Biology of Polyporaceae. University of Helsinki, Lammi Biological Station, Finland, course, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Larsson E, Larsson KH & Niemelä T 2005: Phylogeny of the Postia – Oligoporus complex in European boreal forests. XVII Nordic Mycological Congress, Hyytiälä, Finland, 5–10 September 2005, poster.
- Schigel DS 2005: Beetles in polypores: hunting after rarities. – Saproxylic species in Fennoscandian forests – gathering ecological knowledge for applied use. III Nordic Saproxylic Network meeting at Lammi Biological Station, Finland, 7 – 9 December, 2005, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2004: Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland. The database. – I Nordic Saproxylic Network meeting in Ekenäs, Sweden, 6–8 February 2004, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2004: Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland. The database. – University of Helsinki, Finland, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2004: The Nordic saproxylic database and network. – III Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Rīga, Latvia, 07–11 July 2004, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2004: Polyporus pseudobetulinus (Pilát) Thorn, Kotir. & Niemelä – a rare polypore fungus (Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales) in Finland, and its beetles. – 3rd Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Rīga, Latvia, 07–11 July 2004,
- Schigel DS 2004: Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland. The database. – Taxonomy and Biology of Polyporaceae. University of Helsinki, Lammi Biological Station, Finland, course, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS, Kotiranta H & Niemelä T 2004. Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland. – MOSSE puolimatkassa – monimuotoisuuden tutkimusohjelman (2003–2006) välitulokset Hanasaari, Finland, 17–18 November 2004, Seminaarikooste, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2004: Assessing the roles of patch quality, area, and isolation in predicting metapopulation dynamics. – University of Helsinki, Lammi Biological Station, Finland, course, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2003: Beetles and polypores. – Mekrijarvi Biological Station, Finland, field course, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS & Niemelä T 2003: Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland. – XIV Congress of European Mycologists. Katsiveli, Ukraine. 22–27 September 2003, poster.
- Schigel DS 2003: Beetles and Myxomycetes in European Taiga. – Biology of Myxomycetes, University of Helsinki, Finland, course, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2003: Beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of European Russia. – Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Russia, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2001: Coleoptera inhabiting polypore fungi of Moscow Region. – VI International student and postgraduate student conference on abstract sciences Lomonosov–2001, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 2001: Beetle complexes in polypore fungi. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology, Russia, seminar.
- Schigel DS 2001: Beetle complexes in polypore fungi of European Russia and Crimea. – Fungal species diversity in Eurasian boreal forests. International Symposium, Lammi Biological Station, Finland, 10–14 September 2001, poster.
- Schigel DS 2000: Complexes of beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of Russian Plain and Crimea. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology, Russia, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 1999: Beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of Moscow Region. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology, Russia, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 1999: Ecology of Coleoptera and systematics of Fungi. – IV International student and postgraduate student conference on abstract sciences Lomonosov–1999, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, oral presentation.
- Schigel DS 1999: Mycetobiont Coleoptera of forest ecosystems of Volga upstream. – IV International student and postgraduate student conference on abstract sciences Lomonosov–1999, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, oral presentation.