Sic terram lignum folia
- The UNITE database for molecular identification and taxonomic communication of fungi and other eukaryotes: sequences, taxa, and classifications reconsidered. Nucleic Acids Research 2023
- Biodiversity data supports research on human infectious diseases: global trends, challenges, and opportunities. One Health 2023
- Introducing guidelines for publishing DNA-derived occurrence data through biodiversity data platforms. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 2022
- The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species: Country Compendium. Scientific Data 2022
- Data integration enables global biodiversity synthesis. PNAS 2021
- The taxon hypothesis paradigm – on the unambiguous detection and communication of taxa. Microorganisms 2020
- Combining high-throughput sequencing with fruit body surveys reveals contrasting life-history strategies in fungi. The ISME Journal 2013
- Polypore-associated beetles in Finland. Annales Zoologici Fennici 2011
A Peer-reviewed scientific articles
- August T, Balzan M, Bodesheim P, Brehm G, Cantú-Salazar L, Castro S, Chipperfield J, Ghisbain G, Gomez-Segura A, Goulnik J, Groom Q, Hogeweg L, Huijbers C, Kamilaris A, Kazlauskis K, Koch W, Korsch D, Loureiro J, Martin Y, Martinou A, McFarland K, Mestdagh X, Michez D, Outhwaite C, Pegoraro L, Pernat N, Pettersson LB, Pipek P, Preda C, Rolnick D, Roth T, Roy DB, Roy H, Runnel V, Sasic M, Schigel D, Sheard J, Svenningsen C, Teixeira H, Titeux N, Tscheulin T, Tzirkalli E, van der Velde M, van Klink R, Vereecken N, Vray S, Høye TT 2025: Using Image-based AI for insect monitoring and conservation – InsectAI COST Action. Research Ideas and Outcomes 11: e134825.
- Lecarpentier D, Biro T, Endresen D, Golivets M, Grimm V, Islam S, Koivula H, Pleiter D, Rossi T, Schigel D, Wohner C, Zuquim G, Harrison J 2024: Developing Prototype Digital Twins for biodiversity conservation and management: achievements, challenges and perspectives. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e133474.
- Schigel D 2024: Building Biodiversity Digital Twins. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 8: e139100.
- Frøslev T, Boyd R, Schigel D 2024: Prototype Biodiversity Digital Twin: prioritisation of DNA metabarcoding sampling locations. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e124978.
- Mikryukov V, Abarenkov K, Jeppesen TS, Schigel D, Frøslev T 2024: Prototype Biodiversity Digital Twin: Phylogenetic Diversity. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e124988.
- Ingenloff K, Ben Aziza S, Weiland C, Nikolova N, Thulke H-H, Lange M, Reichold A, Schigel D 2024: Prototype Biodiversity Digital Twin: Disease Outbreaks. Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e125521.
- Svenningsen CS, Schigel D 2024: Sharing insect data through GBIF: novel monitoring methods, opportunities and standards. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379(1904): 20230104.
- Shimabukuro P, Groom Q, Fouque F, Campbell L, Chareonviriyaphap T, Etang J, Manguin S, Sinka M, Schigel D, Ingenloff K 2024: Bridging Biodiversity and Health: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility’s initiative on open data on vectors of human diseases. GigaByte 1–11
- Abarenkov K, Nilsson H, Larsson KH, Taylor Andy FS, May T, Frøslev T, Pawlowska J, Lindahl B, Põldmaa K, Truong C, Vu D, Hosoya T, Niskanen T, Piirmann T, Ivanov F, Zirk A, Peterson M, Cheeke T, Ishigami Y, Jansson A, Jeppesen T, Kristiansson Erik, Mikryukov V, Miller J, Oono R, Ossandon F, Paupério J, Saar I, Schigel D, Suija A, Tedersoo L, Koljalg U 2023: The UNITE database for molecular identification and taxonomic communication of fungi and other eukaryotes: sequences, taxa, and classifications reconsidered. Nucleic Acids Research: 52(D1): D791–D797.
- Islam S, Koivula H, Endresen D, Kusch E, Schigel D, Addink W 2023: Data standards and interoperability challenges for biodiversity digital twin: a novel and transformative approach to biodiversity research and application. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e112373.
- Sica YV, Hochachka WM, Gan Y-M, Ingenloff K, Schigel D, Stevenson RD, Baskauf SJ, Brenton P, Kazem AJN, Wieczorek J 2023: Want to describe and share biodiversity inventory and monitoring data? The Humboldt extension for ecological inventories can help! Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e112229.
- Frøslev TG, Jeppesen TS, Robertson T, Schigel D 2023: eDNA metabarcoding data in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e110672.
- Meyer R, Davies N, Pitz KJ, Meyer C, Samuel R, Hudson J, Appeltans W, Barker K, Chavez F, Duffy JE, Goodwin KD, Hudson M, Hunter ME, Karstensen J, Laney C, Leinen M, Mabee P, Macklin JA, Muller-Karger F, Pade N, Pearlman J, Phillips L, Provoost P, Santi I, Schigel D, Schriml LM, Soccodato A, Suominen S, Thibault K, Ung V, van de Kamp J, Wallis E, Walls R, Buttigieg PL 2023. The founding charter of the Omic Biodiversity Observation Network (Omic BON), GigaScience 12: giad068
- de Koning K, Broekhuijsen J, Kühn I, Ovaskainen O, Taubert F, Endresen D, Schigel D, Grimm V 2023: Digital Twins, biodiversity conservation, evidence-based conservation, model-data integration, real-time monitoring, digital conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38:10 916–926.
- Shumskaya M, Lorusso N, Patel U, Leigh M, Somervuo P, Schigel D 2023: MycoPins: a metabarcoding-based method to monitor fungal colonization of fine woody debris. MycoKeys 96 77–95.
- Astorga F, Groom G, Shimabukuro PHS, Manguin S, Noesgaard D, Orrell T, Sinka M, Hirsch T, Schigel D 2023: Biodiversity data supports research on human infectious diseases: global trends, challenges, and opportunities. One Health 16: 100484
- SC Edmunds, F Fouque, KA Copas, T Hirsch, PHF Shimabukuro, JD Andrade-Filho, C Marceló, CA Morales, MC Lesmes, P Fuya, S Méndez, H Cadena, Á Ávila-Díaz, E Santamaría, Ž Južnič-Zonta, R Eritja, JRB Palmer, F Bartumeus, M dos Santos-Conceição, S Chahad-Ehlers, CL Silva-Inácio, AL Lozovei, AJ de Andrade, S Paull, MÁ Miranda, C Barceló, F Schaffner, A Della-Torre, D Brosens, W Dekoninck, G Hendrickx, W Van Bortel, I Deblauwe, N Smitz, V Versteirt, RE Godoy, AF Brilhante, S Ceccarelli, A Balsalobre, ME Vicente, R Curtis-Robles, SA Hamer, JMA Landa, JE Rabinovich, GA Marti, Schigel D 2022: Publishing data to support the fight against human vector-borne diseases. GigaScience 11: giac114
- Pagad S, Bisset S, Genovesi P, Groom Q, Hirsch T, Jetz W, Ranipeta A, Schigel D, Sica YV, McGeoch MA 2022: The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species: Country Compendium. Scientific Data 9: 391
- van Klink R, August T, Bas Y, Bodesheim P, Bonn A, Fossøy F, Høye TT, Jongejans E, Menz MHM, Miraldo A, Roslin T, Roy HE, Ruczyński I, Schigel D, Schäffler L, Sheard JK, Svenningsen C, Tschan GF, Wäldchen J, Zizka VMA, Åström J, Bowler DE 2002: Emerging technologies revolutionise insect ecology and monitoring. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37: 10
- Nilsson RH, Andersson AF, Bissett A, Finstad AG, Fossøy F, 4 Grosjean M, Hope M, Jeppesen TS, Kõljalg U, Lundin D, Prager M, Suominen S, Svenningsen CS, Schigel D 2022: Introducing guidelines for publishing DNA-derived occurrence data through biodiversity data platforms. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6:e84960
- van Dijk L, Moreira X, Barr A, Abdala-Roberts L, Castagneyrol B, Faticov M, Hardwick B, ten Hoopen J, de la Mata R, Pires RM, Roslin T, Schigel D, Timmermans B, Tack A 2021: Urbanization affects oak–pathogen interactions across spatial scales. Ecography 44: 1–12.
- Prylutskyi O, Yatsiuk I, Savchenko A, Kit M, Solodiankin O, Schigel D 2021: Strict substrate requirements alongside rapid substrate turnover may indicate an early colonization: A case study of Pleurotus calyptratus (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Fungal Ecology: 101098;
- Heberling JM, Miller, J, Noesgaard D, Weingart SB, Schigel D 2021: Data integration enables global biodiversity synthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (6) e2018093118; doi: 10.1073/pnas.2018093118.
- Kõljalg U, Nilsson HR, Schigel D, Tedersoo L, Larsson KH, May TW, Taylor AFS, Stjernegaard Jeppesen T, Frøslev TG, Lindahl B, Põldmaa K, Saar I, Suija A, Savchenko A, Yatsiuk I, Adojaan K, Ivanov F, Piirmann T, Pöhönen R, Zirk A, Abarenkov K 2020: The taxon hypothesis paradigm – on the unambiguous detection and communication of taxa. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1910.
- Gafforov Y, Ordynets A, Langer E, Yarasheva M, de Mello Gugliotta A, Schigel D, Pecoraro L, Zhou Y, Cai L, Zhou LW 2020: Species diversity with comprehensive annotations of wood-inhabiting poroid and corticioid fungi in Uzbekistan. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:598321. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.598321
- Gorczak M, Pawłowska J, Schigel D, Siedlecki I, Majchrowska D, Oberhofer M, Seen B, Greilhuber I, Wiktorowicz D, Blocka Z, Michał Kochanowski M, Meiere D, Daniele I, Wrzosek M, Kinnunen J, Fox H, Harder CB 2020. 18th Congress of European Mycologists Bioblitz 2019 – Naturalists contribute to the mycobiota and lichenobiota of Białowieża Primeval Forest. Acta Mycologica, 55(2): 55211. doi:
- Schigel D, Andersson AF, Bissett A, Finstad AG, Fossøy F, Grosjean M, Hope M, Kõljalg U, Lundin D, Nilsson RH, Prager M, Jeppesen TS, Svenningsen CS 2020: Mapping and Publishing Sequence-Derived Data through Biodiversity Data Platforms. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 4: e59212.
- Chapman AD, Belbin L, Zermoglio PF, Wieczorek J, Morris PJ, Nicholls M, Rees ER, Veiga AK, Thompson A, Saraiva AM, James SA, Gendreau C, Benson A, Schigel D 2020: Developing Standards for Improved Data Quality and for Selecting Fit for Use Biodiversity Data. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 4: e50889.
Schigel D, Jeppesen T, Finn R, Cochrane G, Kõljalg U, Quast C, Lanfear J, Orrell T, Hobern D, Miller J 2019: Going Molecular: Sequence-based spatiotemporal biodiversity evidence in GBIF. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37036.
- Endresen D, Abrahamyan A, Mirzorakhimov A, Melikyan A, Verstraete B, Schigel D, Makeyeva E, De Boer H, Russell L, Shashkov M, Mamadalieva M, Ivanova N, Voronova N, Borodin O, Prylutskyi O, Tykarski P, Johaadien R 2019: BioDATA: Biodiversity data mobilisation and data publication training in Eurasia. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37543.
- Hobern D, Baptiste B, Copas K, Guralnick R, Hahn A, van Huis E, Kim ES, McGeoch M, Naicker I, Navarro L, Noesgaard D, Price M, Rodrigues A, Schigel D, Sheffield CA, Wieczorek J 2019: Connecting data and expertise: a new alliance for biodiversity knowledge. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e33679.
- Rund SSC, Braak K, Cator L, Copas K, Emrich SJ, Giraldo-Calderón GI, Johansson MA, Heydari N, Hobern D, Kelly SA, Lawson D, Lord C, MacCallum RM, Roche DG, Ryan SJ, Schigel D, Vandegrift K, Watts M, Zaspel JM, Pawar S 2019: MIReAD, a minimum information standard for reporting arthropod abundance data. Scientific Data 6: 40.
- Conde DA, Staerk J, Colchero F, da Silva R, Schöley J, Baden HM, Jouvet L, Fa JE, Syed H, Jongejans E, Meiri S, Gaillard JM, Chamberlain S, Wilcken J, Jones OR, Dahlgren JP, Steiner UK, Bland LM, Gomez-Mestre I, Lebreton JD, Vargas JG, Flesness N, Canudas-Romo V, Salguero-Gómez R, Byers O, Berg TB, Scheuerlein A, Devillard S, Schigel DS, Ryder OA, Possingham HP, Baudisch A, JW Vaupel 2019: Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 201816367.
- Prylutskyi O, Abrahamyan A, Voronova N, Aloyan T, Bohirova M, Borodin O, Darmostuk V, Gasparyan N, Ivanova N, Johaadien R, Khachatryan H, Krasovskii S, Krishin G, Kulikova A, Kurbonbekova S, Makeyeva E, Mamadalieva M, Melikyan A, Mirzorakhimov A, Movsisyan A, Mubalieva S, Novikov A, Qodirova I, Russell LA, Shashkov M, Sheriko A, Schigel D, Sysoliatin E, Tykarski P, Verstraete B, Yatsiuk I, Zykova M, Endresen D, de Boer H: 2019. BioDATA – Biodiversity Data for Internationalisation in Higher Education. Research Ideas and Outcomes, submitted.
- Hardisty A, Michener W, Agosti D, Alonso EG, Bastin L, Belbin L, Bowser A, Buttigieg PL, Canhos DA, Egloff W, De Giovanni R, Figueira R, Groom Q, Guralnick R, Hobern D, Hugo W, Koureas D, Liqiang J, Los W, Manuel J, Manset D, Poelen J, Saarenmaa H, Schigel D, Uhlir PF, Kissling D. 2019: The Bari manifesto: an interoperability framework for Essential Biodiversity Variables. Ecological Informatics 49: 22–31.
- Moreira X, Abdala-Roberts L, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Covelo F, de la Mata R, Francisco M, Hardwick B, Pires RM, Roslin T, Schigel DS, ten Hoopen JPJG, Timmermans BGH, van Dijk LJA, Castagneyrol B, Tack AJM. 2019: Impacts of urbanization on insect herbivory and plant defences in oak trees. Oikos 128: 113–123.
- Moose RA, Schigel D, Kirby LJ, Shumskaya M 2019: Dead wood fungi in North America: an insight into research and conservation potential. Nature Conservation 32: 1–17. doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.32.30875
- Nilsson H, Larsson KH, Taylor A, Bengtsson-Palme J, Jeppesen T, Schigel D, Kennedy P, Picard K, Glöckner FO, Tedersoo L, Saar I, Koljalg U, Abarenkov K 2018: The UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi: handling dark taxa and parallel taxonomic classifications. Nucleic Acids Research: gky1022.
- Kissling DW, Walls R, Bowser A, Jones MO, Kattge J, Agosti D, Amengual J, Basset A, van Bodegom PM, Cornelissen JHC, Denny EG, Deudero S, Egloff W, Elmendorf SC, García EA, Jones KD, Jones OR, Lavorel S, Lear D, Navarro LM, Pawar S, Pirzl R, Rüger N, Sal S, Salguero-Gómez R, Schigel D, Schulz KS, Skidmore A, Guralnick RP 2018: Towards global data products of Essential Biodiversity Variables on species traits. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Tedersoo L, Sánchez-Ramírez S, Kõljalg U, Bahram M, Döring M, Schigel D, May T, Ryberg M, Abarenkov K. 2018: High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses. Fungal Diversity: 1–25.
- Thomson SA, Pyle RL, Ahyong S, Alonso-Zarazaga M, Ammirati J, Araya JF, Ascher JS, Audisio TL, Azevedo-Santos VM, Bailly N, Baker WJ, Balke M, Barclay MVL, Barrett RL, Benine RC, Bickerstaff JRM, Bouchard P, Bour R, Bourgoin T, Boyko CB, Breure ASH, Brothers DJ, Byng JW, Campbell D, Ceríaco LMP, Cernák I, Cerretti P, Chang C-H, Cho S, Copus JM, Costello MJ, Cseh A, Csuzdi C, Culham A, D’Elía G, d’Udekem d’Acoz C, Daneliya ME, Dekker R, Dickinson EC, Dickinson TA, van Dijk PP, Dijkstra K-DB, Dima B, Dmitriev DA, Duistermaat L, Dumbacher JP, Eiserhardt WL, Ekrem T, Evenhuis NL, Faille A, Fernández-Triana JL, Fiesler E, Fishbein M, Fordham BG, Freitas AVL, Friol NR, Fritz U, Frøslev T, Funk VA, Gaimari SD, Garbino GST, Garraffoni ARS, Geml J, Gill AC, Gray A, Grazziotin FG, Greenslade P, Gutiérrez EE, Harvey MS, Hazevoet CJ, He K, He X, Helfer S, Helgen KM, van Heteren AH, Hita Garcia F, Holstein N, Horváth MK, Hovenkamp PH, Hwang WS, Hyvönen J, Islam MB, Iverson JB, Ivie MA, Jaafar Z, Jackson MD, Jayat JP, Johnson NF, Kaiser H, Klitgård BB, Knapp DG, Kojima J, Kõljalg U, Kontschán J, Krell F-T, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Kullander S, Latella L, Lattke JE, Lencioni V, Lewis GP, Lhano MG, Lujan NK, Luksenburg JA, Mariaux J, Marinho-Filho J, Marshall CJ, Mate JF, McDonough MM, Michel E, Miranda VFO, Mitroiu M-D, Molinari J, Monks S, Moore AJ, Moratelli R, Murányi D, Nakano T, Nikolaeva S, Noyes J, Ohl M, Oleas NH, Orrell T, Páll-Gergely B, Pape T, Papp V, Parenti LR, Patterson D, Pavlinov IY, Pine RH, Poczai P, Prado J, Prathapan D, Rabeler RK, Randall JE, Rheindt FE, Rhodin AGJ, Rodríguez SM, Rogers DC, Roque FdO, Rowe KC, Ruedas LA, Salazar-Bravo J, Salvador RB, Sangster G, Sarmiento CE, Schigel DS, Schmidt S, Schueler FW, Segers H, Snow N, Souza-Dias PGB, Stals R, Stenroos S, Stone RD, Sturm CF, Štys P, Teta P, Thomas DC, Timm RM, Tindall BJ, Todd JA, Triebel D, Valdecasas AG, Vizzini A, Vorontsova MS, de Vos JM, Wagner P, Watling L, Weakley A, Welter-Schultes F, Whitmore D, Wilding N, Will K, Williams J, Wilson K, Winston JE, Wüster W, Yanega D, Yeates DK, Zaher H, Zhang G, Zhang Z-Q, Zhou H-Z 2018: Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation. PLoS Biol 16(3): e2005075.
- Pagad S, Genovesi P, Carnevali L, Schigel D, McGeoch MA 2018: Introducing the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species. Scientific Data 5: 170202.
- Filippova NV, Filippov IV, Schigel DS, Ivanova NV, Shashkov MP 2017. Biodiversity informatics: global trends, national perspective and regional progress in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Environmental dynamics and global climate change 8: 46–56.
- Kissling WD, Ahumada JA, Bowser A, Fernandez M, Fernández N, García EA, Guralnick RP, Isaac NJB, Kelling S, Los W, McRae L, Mihoub JB, Obst M, Santamaria M, Skidmore AK, Williams KJ, Agosti D, Amariles D, Arvanitidis C, Bastin L, De Leo F, Egloff W, Elith J, Hobern D, Martin D, Pereira HM, Pesole G, Peterseil J, Saarenmaa H, Schigel D, Schmeller DS, Segata N, Turak E, Uhlir PF, Wee B. & Hardisty AR 2017: Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global scale. Biological Reviews
- Mäkipää R, Rajala T, Schigel D, Rinne K T, Pennanen T, Abrego N & Ovaskainen O 2017: Interactions between soil- and dead wood-inhabiting fungal communities during the decay of Norway spruce logs. The ISME Journal, 1–11.
- Veiga AK, Saraiva AM, Chapman AD, Morris PJ, Gendreau C, Schigel D & Robertson TJ 2017: A conceptual framework for quality assessment and management of biodiversity data. PloS ONE 12(6), p.e0178731.
- Schigel DS 2016: Beetles versus fungi: trophic interactions in boreal forests. In: Environmental and Microbial Relationships, 3rd Edition, The Mycota IV. I.S. Druzhinina and C.P. Kubicek (Eds.): 269–278.
- Faulwetter S, Pafilis E, Fanini L, Bailly N, Agosti D, Arvanitidis C, Boicenco L, Capatano T, Claus S, Dekeyzer S, Georgiev T, Legaki A, Mavraki D, Oulas A, Papastefanou G, Penev L, Sautter G, Schigel D, Senderov V, Teaca A, Tsompanou M 2016: EMODnet Workshop on mechanisms and guidelines to mobilise historical data into biogeographic databases. Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e9774.
- Sikes D, Copas K, Hirsch T, Longino J, Schigel D 2016: On natural history collections, digitized and not: a response to Ferro and Flick. Zookeys 618: 145–158.
- Abrego N, Oivanen P, Viner I, Nordén J, Penttilä R, Dahlberg A, Heilmann-Clausen J, Somervuo P, Ovaskainen O, Schigel D 2016: Reintroduction of threatened fungal species via inoculation. Biological Conservation 203: 120–124.
- Viner IA, Schigel DS, Kotiranta H 2016: New occurrences of aphyllophoroid fungi (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) in the Central Forest State Biosphere Nature Reserve, Tver Region, Russia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 53: 81–91.
- Faticov M, Ståhls G, & Schigel DS 2015: A new trapping method for fungivorous insects. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 88: 23–28.
- Dai YC, Cui K, He SH & Schigel D 2014: Wood‐decaying fungi in eastern Himalayas 4. Species from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan Province, China. Mycosystema 33: 611–620.
- Deck J, Barker K, Beaman R, Buttigieg P, Dröge G, Guralnick R, Miller C, Ó Tuama É, Murrell Z, Parr C, Robbins B, Schigel D, Stucky B, Walls R, Wieczorek J, Morrison N & Wooley J 2013: Clarifying Concepts and Terms in Biodiversity Informatics. Standards In Genomic Sciences 8: 352-359.
- Ovaskainen O, Schigel D, Ali-Kovero H, Auvinen P, Paulin L, Nordén B & Nordén J 2013: Combining high-throughput sequencing with fruit body surveys reveals contrasting life-history strategies in fungi. The ISME Journal 7: 1696–1709.
- Schigel DS 2012: Fungivory and host associations of Coleoptera: a review of research approaches. Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology 3: 258-272.
- Liu X, Suzuki A & Schigel D 2012: Editorial: The impact of fungi on other organisms. Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology 3: 1.
- Schigel DS 2012: Fungivory of saproxylic Coleoptera: the mystery of rejected polypores. In: Saproxylic beetles in Europe: monitoring, biology and conservation. Studia forestalia Slovenica 137: 53–58.
- Schigel DS 2011: Fungus–beetle food web patterns in boreal forests. Russian Entomological Journal 20: 141–150.
- Schigel DS 2011: Polypore-associated beetles in Finland. Annales Zoologici Fennici 48: 319–348.
- Kochetova OS, Semenov VB, Zotov VA & Schigel DS 2011: Monitoring of beetles associated with fungi using Kaila traps. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 66: 138–140.
- Schigel DS 2008: Collecting and rearing fungivorous Coleoptera. Revue d’Écologie (Terre & Vie) Suppl. 10: 15–20.
- Schigel DS 2007: Fleshy fungi of the genera Armillaria, Pleurotus, and Grifola as habitats of Coleoptera. Karstenia 47: 37–48.
- Schigel DS, Niemelä T & Kinnunen J 2006: Polypores and associated beetles of western Finnish Lapland. Karstenia 46: 37–64.
- Schigel DS 2005: Polypore-inhabiting beetles of four protected forests in South Häme, Central Finland. Sahlbergia 10: 59–62.
- Schigel DS & Toresson HG 2005: New records of Polyporus pseudobetulinus, a rare polypore fungus (Basidiomycota, Aphyllophorales) in Scandinavia, and notes on associated beetles. Memoranda Societatis Pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 81: 102–107.
- Niemelä T, Kinnunen J, Larsson KH, Schigel DS & Larsson E 2005: Genus revision and new combinations of some North European polypores. Karstenia 45: 75–80.
- Niemelä T, Dai YC, Kinnunen J & Schigel DS 2004: New and in North Europe rare polypore species (Basidiomycota) with annual, monomitic basidiocarps. Karstenia 44: 67–77.
- Schigel DS, Niemelä T, Similä M, Kinnunen J & Manninen O 2004: Polypores and associated beetles of the North Karelian Biosphere Reserve, eastern Finland. Karstenia 44: 35–56.
- Nikitsky NB & Schigel DS 2004: Beetles in polypores of the Moscow region: checklist and ecological notes. Entomologica Fennica 15: 6–22.
- Niemelä T, Kinnunen J, Renvall P & Schigel DS 2003: Phellodon secretus (Basidiomycota), a new hydnaceous fungus from northern pine woodlands. Karstenia 43: 37–44.
- Schigel DS 2002: Assemblages of Coleoptera in polypore fungi in East European Plain and Crimea. [Комплексы жесткокрылых-обитателей трутовых грибов Восточно-Европейской равнины и Крыма]. Bull. Moscow Soc. Naturalists 107: 8–21. (In Russian.)
- Kompantseva TV & Tschigel DS 2000: New data on geographic distribution and biology of mycetophilous tenebrionid beetles Еledonoprius Reitter, 1911 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Russian Entomological Journal 9: 139–141.
B Non-refereed scientific articles
- Abarenkov K, Andersson AF, Bissett A, Finstad AG, Fossøy F, Grosjean M, Hope M, Jeppesen TS, Kõljalg U, Lundin D, Nilsson RN, Prager M, Provoost P, Schigel D, Suominen S, Svenningsen C & Frøslev TG (2023) Publishing DNA-derived data through biodiversity data platforms, v1.3. Copenhagen: GBIF Secretariat.
- Copas K, Shimabukuro P, Ingenloff K, Schigel D 2023: How Biodiversity Data Supports Research on Climate-driven Changes in Patterns of Human Diseases. AGU23.
- Kamburska L, Fontaneto D, Rogora M, Schigel D 2023: Preface: Georeferenced Freshwater Biodiversity Data. Journal of Limnology 82 (S1): 1– 4.
- Schigel D 2020: Teaching dead wood ecology. In: Dendrobiotic Invertebrates and Fungi and their Role in Forest Ecosystems. The Kataev Memorial Readings. XI / Proceedings of the All-Russia conference with international participation. Saint Petersburg (Russia), November, 24–27, 2020 D.L. Musolin, N.I. Kirichenko and A.V. Selikhovkin (Eds). – Saint Petersburg (Russia): Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, 2020. – 452 p. DOI: 10.21266/SPBFTU.2020.KATAEV
- Shashkov M, Ivanova N, Filippova N, Schigel D 2018: Perspectives, solutions and tools from GBIF for digitization and development of natural history collections. Zoologicheskie Issledovania 20: 169–174.
- Price MJ, Casino A, Lyal C, Bourgoin T, Smets E, Kvaček J, Hobern D, Copas K, Schigel DS, Hirsch T 2018: Taxonomy in the post-2020 Framework for Biodiversity: underpinning the 2050 Vision for Living in Harmony with Nature. Joint statement from the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Convention on Biological Diversity Zenodo (Technical note).
- Ariño AH, Noesgaard D, Hjarding A, Schigel D 2018: Biodiversity Information Services: A (not-so-) little knowledge that acts. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2: e25738. doi: 10.3897/biss.2.25738 (Abstract).
- Groom Q, Baskauf S, Desmet P, McGeoch M, Pagad S, Schigel D, Walls R, Wilson J, Zermoglio P 2017: Invasive Organisms Information: A proposed TDWG Task Group. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1: e20266. (Abstract).
- Chapman A, Saraiva A, Belbin L, Veiga A, Nicholls M, Zermoglio P, Morris P, Schigel D, Thompson A 2017: Fitness for Use: The BDQIG aims for improved Stability and Consistency. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1 :e20240. (Abstract)
- Gendreau C & Schigel D 2017: Managing data quality in GBIF: status and plans. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1: e19825.
- Schigel D, Döring M, Page R, Kõljalg U, Hebert P 2017: Linking molecular and morphological biodiversity evidence by building a single name space. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1: e20503.
- Schigel DS, Niemelä T, Kinnunen J, Spirin V, Viner I, Krzyściak-Kosińska R. 2015: International Symposium Fungi of Central European old-growth forests, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic– 14-17 September 2015. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS, Koivula H, Piirainen E, Laiho L 2013: In the hot seat: managing data- and workflows between biologists and computers. Virtual Communities for Biodiversity Science (TDWG) 2013 Annual Conference, Florence, Italy; 28 October – 1 November 2013. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2012: Fungivory in the saproxylic world. VII European Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Granada, Spain, 12–14 May 2012: 36. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2012: Perspectives of molecular identification of wood-decaying fungi in ecological research of forest communities. Proceedings of the conference Perennial processes in nature complexes in Russian reserves, Tver, Russia, 20–24 August 2012: 125–126. (Abstract).
- Schigel D 2012: Species and names: building the taxonomy and nomenclature database in Finland. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2012 annual conference, Beijing, China, 22–26 October 2012. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2010: Saproxylic Coleoptera and their fungal microhabitats in Finnish old-growth forests. VI European Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15–17 June 2010: 29–30. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS, Ovaskainen O, Hottola J & Norros V 2010: Hidden diversity of forest Basidiomycetes: high-throughput sequencing and molecular identification of mycelia and spores in soil, wood, and air samples. IX International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 1–6 August 2010. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2010: Grazing on hyphae: fruit body and larval structures in fungus-beetle interactions. IX International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 1–6 August 2010. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2010: A way to strengthen the expert role of FMNH: a mycological perspective. FMNH Research Seminar, Mustio, Finland, 16–17 September 2010. (Abstract).
- Kochetova OS, Zotov VA & Schigel DS 2009: Myctobiont rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Central Russia and Southern Finland [Мицетобионтные жуки-стафилиниды (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Центральной России и Южной Финляндии]. Proceedings of Stavropol Dept. of Russian Ent. Soc. 5: 117–119. (In Russian).
- Niemelä T, Kotiranta H & Schigel DS 2008: Uhanalaisten ja puutteellisesti tunnettujen kääväkkäiden ja niistä riippuvaisten kovakuoriaisten tutkimus. In: Juslén A, Kuusinen M, Muona J, Siitonen J & Toivonen H (eds.). Puutteellisesti tunnettujen ja uhanalaisten metsälajien tutkimusohjelma – loppuraportti (Research Programme of Deficiently Known and Threatened Forest Species – the final report) Suomen ympäristö 1: 104-105.
- Schigel D, Kochetova O & Semenov V 2008: Fungivorous beetles in the park and forest landscapes of hemiboreal Europe. V Conference on saproxylic beetles – Bridging the gap: towards landscape conservation, Lüneburg, Germany 14–16 June 2008: 26. (Abstract).
- Stokland JN, Schigel DS & Dodelin B 2008: The saproxylic database: a shared knowledge base about the biodiversity in dead wood. V Conference on saproxylic beetles – Bridging the gap: towards landscape conservation, Lüneburg, Germany 14–16 June 2008: 24. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2007: Fungivorous Coleoptera and the database work. IV Nordic Saproxylic Network workshop, Białowieża, Poland, 1–5 September 2007: 5. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2006: Rarity and seasonality among fungivorous Coleoptera. IV Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Vivoin, France, 27–29 June 2006: 4. (Abstract).
- Stokland JN, Dahlberg A, Meyke E, Schigel DS & Siitonen J 2006: The Nordic saproxylic database – a comprehensive overview of the biological diversity in dead wood. I European Congress of Conservation Biology, Hungary, 22–26 August 2006: 159. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS, Niemelä T, Larsson KH & Larsson E 2006: Phylogeny of the Postia–Oligoporus complex of poroid Basidiomycetes. VIII International Mycological Congress, Cairns, Australia, 20–25 August 2006: 46. (Abstract).
- Niemelä T, Kotiranta H & Schigel DS 2005: Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland. – MOSSE puolimatkassa – monimuotoisuuden tutkimusohjelman (2003–2006) välitulokset Hanasaari 17–18.11.2004, Seminaarikooste: 210–211.
- Schigel DS 2005: Links of the saproxylic chain in European boreal forests. – Fungi in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems: Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the centenary of the beginning by professor A. S. Bondarcev his research activity at the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, 24–28 April, 2005, Saint Petersburg, 2: 335–337.
- Schigel DS 2005: Polyporus pseudobetulinus (Pilát) Thorn, Kotir. & Niemelä – a rare polypore fungus (Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales) in Finland, and its beetles. In: Barclay, M.V.L. & Telnov, D. (eds.). Proceedings of the III Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Rīga / Latvia, 7–11 July, 2004. Latvijas Entomologs, Supplementum VI: 83–84.
- Stokland JN & Schigel DS 2005: The Nordic Saproxylic Network. XVII International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, 17–23 July 2005: 65. (Abstract).
- Schigel DS 2005: Beetles in polypores: hunting after rarities. Saproxylic species in Fennoscandian forests – gathering ecological knowledge for applied use. III Nordic Saproxylic Network meeting, Lammi Biological Station, Finland, 7–9 December, 2005: 23–24.
- Schigel DS 2001: Coleoptera inhabiting polypore fungi of Moscow Region. [Жесткокрылые–обитатели трутовых грибов Московской области]. Abstracts of VI International student and postgraduate student conference Lomonosov–2001. Lomonosov Moscow State University: 48.
- Schigel DS, Benediktov AA & Ahaev DN 2001: Coleoptera of the Zvenigorod Biostation of Moscow State University [Жесткокрылые Звенигородской биостанции МГУ]. Materials of the conference celebrating 250 anniversary of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and 90 anniversary of the S.N. Skadovsky Zvenigorod Biological Station, Moscow: 191–193.
C Scientific books, monographs, book chapters
- Schigel DS 2016: Kolmen kerroksen väkeä. In: Hallanaro EL, Kuusela S, Juslén S, Ryttäri T. Metsän salainen elämä. Gaudeamus, Helsinki: 11-25. ISBN 978-952-495-398-6
- Kotkova VM, Niemelä Т, Viner IA, Schigel DS, Kurakov АV 2015: Polypore fungi: materials of the international course on ecology and taxonomy of lignicolous basidiomycetes in the Central Forest reserve. Tutorial. Helsinki University Printing House, 2015. 95 pp. Full text
D Publications intended for professional communities, guides, species inventory reports
- Andersson AF, Bissett A, Finstad AG, Fossøy F, Grosjean M, Hope M, Jeppesen TS, Kõljalg U, Lundin D, Nilsson RN, Prager M, Svenningsen C & Schigel D 2021: Publishing DNA-derived data through biodiversity data platforms. v1.0 Copenhagen: GBIF Secretariat.
- Schigel DS, Kinnunen J, Spirin V, Viner I. 2014: Polypores and corticoids of Białowieża National Park. Species inventory and plot survey report 2014. University of Helsinki. 24 pp.
- Schigel DS, Kinnunen J, Niemelä T 2013: Polypores of Białowieża National Park. Species inventory and plot survey report. University of Helsinki. 10 pp.
- Schigel DS 2007: Polypores of Åland Islands. Species inventory report. University of Helsinki, Bot. Museum. 83 pp.
- Schigel DS 2006: Polypores of Åland Islands. Species inventory report. University of Helsinki, Bot. Museum. 40 pp.
- Schigel DS 2005: Polypores of Åland Islands. Preliminary species inventory report. University of Helsinki, 5 pp.
- Schigel DS & Niemelä T 2004: Polypores and associated beetles of the Ruissalo Strict Nature Reserve. Species inventory report. University of Helsinki, Botanical Museum. 11 pp.
E Publications intended for the general public, interviews, web media
- M. Antropov 2021: Биолог — об исчезающих видах, экоциде и возможностях предсказания эпидемий. Interview with D Schigel. RBC Style.
- M. Antropov 2020: GBIF — поисковая система для биологов и любителей природы. Interview with D Schigel.
- A. Kirillov 2019: Цифровые натуралисты. Interview with A. Seregin & D Schigel. eRazvitie 4: 2019: 44–55.
- A. Kirillov 2019: Живая мертвая древесина. Interview with D Schigel. eRazvitie 3: 2019: 46–59.
- Foreign researchers gathered in Voronezh region for the dead trees [Зарубежные учёные съехались в Воронежскую область ради мёртвых деревьев] Vesti Voronezh, 24 July 2019
- We study the forest “treasures” of preserved materials [Изучаем лесные «сокровищницы» материальных запасов!] by Igor Vorobyov, Voronezhsky Nature reserve, 2 July 2019
- Dead wood is very much alive! [Мертвая древесина живее всех живых!] by Igor Vorobyov, Voronezhsky Nature reserve, 26 June 2019
- Death begets life: how fallen trees save forest [Смерть порождает жизнь: как упавшие деревья спасают лес] by Natalya Shevchenko, National Geographic Russia 150, March 2016
- Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility — FinBIF is open, 9.6.2015
- NEFOM – North European Forest Mycologists 2014:
- Metacommunity dynamics of wood-decaying fungi 2013:
- Kosonen, L., Schigel, D.S., Setälä, R. & Smirnoff I. 2012: Sieni pusertaa puusta lumihiuksia. Suomen Luonto 9/2012: 10.
- Not funny [Не смешно], by Irina Yakutenko,, 13.10.2011
- Forschung im Regenwald, by Christine Buth,, 28.06.2010
- Schigel DS 2005: Natural History. [Я познаю мир: Естествознание]. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 400 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-016865-9, 5-271-05197-8
- Schigel DS 2003: Natural History: encyclopaedia for children. [Естествознание: Детская энциклопедия]. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 396 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-016242-1, 5-271-05198-6
- Schigel DS 2000: Insect life. Encyclopaedia for children. [Жизнь насекомых. Хочу все знать: Детская энциклопедия]. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 320 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-237-04047-0, 5-271-00625-5
F Public artistic and design activities, scientific illustrations
- Schigel DS 2020: Antrodia albobrunnea, photographs. In: Grzyby chronione Polski. Rozmieszczenie, zagrożenia, rekomendacje ochronne. Kujawa A, Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M, Kałucka I, eds. Wyd. Instytut Środowiska Rolniczego i Leśnego PAN, Poznań, 512 pp.
- Schigel DS 2010: Spider web and dew: 2005 Salla, Finland; cover image. In: Hanski, I. 2010: The shrinking world: ecological consequences of habitat loss [Ускользающий мир: экологические последствия утраты местообитаний]. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 340 pp.
- Schigel DS 2009: Distribution maps of 980 Aphyllophoroid fungi. In: Kotiranta, H., Saarenoksa, R. & Kytövuori, I. Aphyllophoroid fungi of Finland. A check-list with ecology, distribution, and threat categories. Norrlinia 19: 1–223.
- Schigel DS 2009: Oligoporus leucomallelus, Parmastomyces mollissimus, Rigidoporus crocatus, photographs. In: Andersson, L., Alexeeva, N.M., Kuznetsova E.S. (eds.) 2009: Survey of biologically valuable forests in North-Western European Russia. Vol. 2. Identification manual of species to be used during survey at stand level. Saint-Petersburg, 258 pp.
- Schigel DS 2008: Lepa-antrodiel (Antrodiella serpula) kasvab puidulm mida lepapässik (Inonotus radiatus) on juba lagundanud. Lepäpässiku surnud viljakehade jäänuseid on nähä ka fotol oleva sarapuuoksa alaküljel. Soome, V: Turu, Ruissalo, VII-2004 (Dmitry Schigel 2142), photograph. In. Niemelä, T. Torikseened Soomes ja Eestis. Eesti Loodusfoto, Tartu, 320 pp.
- Schigel DS 2007: Hapalopilus croceus and Endomychus coccineus. Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland: (23.X.2008).
- Schigel DS 2007: Phlebia tremellosa, Finland, Salla, 2005. Ecological catalogue of the Aphyllophorales of Finland and threatened polypores: (23.X.2008).
- Schigel DS. 2005: Voikääpä (Antrodiella serpula) kasvaa puussa, jota lepänkääpä (Inonotus radiatus) on ensin lahottanut, Lepänkäävän kuolleiten itiöemien jatteitä on pähäkinäpensaan rungon alasivustassa. V: Turku, Ruissalo, VII–2004 (Dmitry Schigel 2142), photograph. In: Niemelä, T. Polypores, lignicolous fungi. Norrlinia 13: 62.
- Schigel DS 1997: Phosphuga atrata, indian ink. In: Dunayev, E. A. Methods of ecological and entomological surveys [Методы эколого-энтомологических исследований]. Moscow city station of young naturalists: 44 pp.
- Schigel DS 1999: Seed of Chelidonium majus with elaiosome, indian ink. In: Dunayev, E.A. Ants of Moscow region. Methods of ecological studies. [Муравьи Подмосковья Методы экологических исследований]. Moscow city station of young naturalists: 96 pp.
G Theses
- Schigel DS 2009: Polypore assemblages in boreal old-growth forests, and associated Coleoptera. PhD thesis. Publications in Botany from the University of Helsinki 39, 44 pp.
- Schigel DS 2003: Beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of European Russia. Candidate of Science thesis. Abstract. [Жесткокрылые–обитатели трутовых грибов Европейской части России. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук]. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology. 21 pp. (In Russian).
- Schigel DS 2003: Beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of European Russia. Candidate of science thesis. [Жесткокрылые–обитатели трутовых грибов Европейской части России. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук]. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology. 150 pp. (In Russian).
- Schigel DS 2000: Complexes of beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of Russian Plain and Crimea. Master’s thesis. [Комплексы жесткокрылых–обитателей трутовых грибов Восточно-Европейской равнины и Крыма. Дипломная работа]. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology. 60 pp. (In Russian).
- Schigel DS 1999: Beetles inhabiting polypore fungi of Moscow Region. Term paper. [Жесткокрылые–обитатели трутовых грибов Московской области. Курсовая работа]. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Department of Entomology. 47 pp. (In Russian).
- Unwin M, Woodwart K & Mace S. 2017. Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Why and How Come. [Иллюстрированная энциклопедия отчего и почему]. Alcheev I, Bekasova E, Ivanova M, Schigel DS. AST, Moscow: 224 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-105515-8.
- Arnold N & Oliver M 2014: Dangereos creatures [Я познаю мир: Коварные животные]. Schigel DS, Seferova M, Benkovskaya M. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 432 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-019319-X, 5-271-03678-2.
- A [Животные] 2014: Transl. Benkovskaya M, Chibisova O, Beme I, Kalyakin M, Kasatkina U, Gupalo E, Volcit O, Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Dorling Kindersley, Moscow: 512 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-087340-1, 978-5-17-013247-8, 978-5-271-04021-4.
- The Most Beautiful Encyclopaedia of Animals [Самая красивая энциклопедия животных]. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-066415-3.
- Green J, Penny M, Pope J, Ganery A, Hauxley L, Steadworthy J. Encyclopedias for the Curious (set of 3 volumes) 2012. [Энциклопедии для любознательных (комплект из 3 книг)] Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova M, Zhukov V, Schekotova L, Benkovskaya M. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 480 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-097827-4.
- The Unique Illustrated Encyclopaedia for Why-Children. Pocket Scientists. [Уникальная иллюстрированная энциклопедия почемучек и отчегочек]. Transl. Alcheev I, Bekasova E, Ivanova M & Schigel DS. Astrel, Moscow: 112 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-271-38119-5, 0-7460-4682-0.
- Human Body [Тело человека]. 2012. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. Astrel, Moscow: 48 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-271-43965-0, 1-87677-893-8.
- Dinosaurs [Динозавры]. 2012. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. Astrel, Moscow: 48 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopaedia for Children and Favourite Tales in one book. The fairy book of knowledge. Anthology. [Детская энциклопедия и любимые сказки в одной книге. Сказочная книга знаний] 2011. Transl. Peskova I, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA, Zhukov V & Schekotova L. Sova, Moscow: 160 pp. ISBN 978-1-74089-662-7, 978-1-74089-665-8, 978-1-74089-663-4.
- The Great Encyclopaedia for Children [Большая детская энциклопедия] 2011. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova M, Schekotova L & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-271-36399-3, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopaedia for Children [Детская энциклопедия] 2011. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova M, Schekotova L & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 800 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-071223-6, 978-5-271-32304-1, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892.
- All About Technics. New Illustrated Encyclopaedia For Children. [Все о технике. Новая иллюстрированная детская энциклопедия] 2010. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Zhukov V. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-271-27053-6, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Great Encyclopaedia of Animals for Children. [Большая детская энциклопедия животных.] 2010. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanov M. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 240 pp. (In Russian). ISBN , 978-5-271-19116-9, 1-87677-893-8, 978-985-16-3649-1.
- My Very First [Моя самая первая энциклопедия] 2010. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 112 pp. (In Russian). ISBN , 978-5-271-27535-8, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- My First [Моя первая энциклопедия] 2010. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN , 978-5-271-30780-5, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- The Giant Encyclopaedia for Children [Гигантская детская энциклопедия] 2010. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 432 pp. ISBN 978-5-271-27138-0.
- Stars and Planets. Illustrated Encyclopedia. [Звезды и планеты. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия Серия: Большая детская энциклопедия] 2010. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 64 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-985-164921-7.
- Encyclopedia for Boys [Энциклопедия для мальчиков] 2009. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-055511-6, 978-5-271-21415-8, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Human. [Человек Серия: Мир энциклопедий Аванта+] 2009. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-052565-2, 978-5-271-20507-1, 1-87677-893-8.
- All About Animals – large and small. [Все о животных – больших и маленьких. Детская энциклопедия.] 2009. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel D.S. & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-058539-7, 978-5-271-23272-5, 187677-893-8.
- About Everything In The World. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Knowledge. [Обо всем на свете. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия знаний.] 2009. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-058540-3, 978-5-271-23270-1, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- Dinosaurs and Reptiles. [Динозавры и рептилии Серия: Мир энциклопедий Аванта+] 2009. Transl. Zhukov V Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 96 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-056080-6, 978-5-271-23378-4, 1-87677-893-8.
- My Very First Encyclopedia [Моя самая первая энциклопедия] 2009. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-058542-7, 978-5-271-23273-2, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- The Most Dangerous Animals in the World. [Самые опасные животные мира] 2009. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-055510-9, 978-5-271-21420-2, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia of Technics [Энциклопедия техники Серия: Мир энциклопедий Аванта+] 2009. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel, DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-056083-7, 978-5-271-23381-4, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- Encyclopedia of Technics for Boys. [Энциклопедия техники для мальчиков] 2009. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-060381-7, 978-5-271-24264-9, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- World of A [Животный мир] 2008: Transl. Benkovskaya M, Chibisova O, Beme I, Kalyakin M, Kasatkina U, Gupalo E, Volcit O, Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Dorling Kindersley, Moscow: 624 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-013247-8, 978-5-271-04021-4, 0-7513-3427-8.
- New Illustrated Encyclopedia for Children. Avanta+ Pictorial Encyclopedia [Эрудит. Новая иллюстрированная детская энциклопедия. Серия: Мир энциклопедий Аванта +] 2008 Transl. Zhukov V, Schekotova L, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-051331-4, 978-5-271-20894-2, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia for Children for the Most Intelligent [Эрудит. Детская энциклопедия для самых умных] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Schekotova L, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-047148-5, 978-5-271-20895-9, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Knowledge Encyclopedia. Everything in the World. [Энциклопедия знаний. Обо всем на свете] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046531-6, 978-5-271-17926-6, 187677-892-X, 187677-893-8.
- The Knowledge Encyclopedia [Энциклопедия знаний] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova M & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-047051-8, 978-5-271-18179-5, 187677-892-X, 187677-893-8.
- The Most Beautiful Encyclopedia of Animals. [Самая красивая энциклопедия животных] 2008. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-045199-9, 978-5-271-17383-7, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Most Beautiful Encyclopedia of Animals. Avanta+ Pictorial Encyclopedia. [Самая красивая энциклопедия животных Серия: Наглядная энциклопедия Аванта+] 2008. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-045198-2, 978-5-271-17382-0, 1-87677-893-8.
- Why? Encyclopedia For The Curious. Pocket Scientist [Почему и отчего? Энциклопедия для любознательных Pocket Scientist] 2008. Transl. Alcheeva I, Bekasova M, Ivanova M, & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 272 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-049354-8, 978-5-271-19330-9, 978-985-16-5074-9, 0 7460 4682 0.
- The New Great Illustrated Encyclopedia [Новая иллюстрированная энциклопедия Серия: Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova M & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046930-7, 978-5-271-18003-3, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- New Illustrated Encyclopedia for Children. [Новая иллюстрированная детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046929-1, 978-5-271-18002-6, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- My First Encyclopaedia. Series Pictorial Encyclopaedias Avanta+ [Моя первая энциклопедия Серия: Наглядная энциклопедия Аванта+] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-044749-7, 978-5-271-17088-1, 1-7677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- Illustrated Encyclopaedia [Млекопитающие. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия Серия: Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 64 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-050011-6, 978-5-271-19492-4, 978-985-16-5319-1, 1-87677-893-8.
- Stars and Planets. Illustrated Encyclopedia. [Звезды и планеты. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия Серия: Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 64 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-050535-7, 978-5-271-19727-7, 978-985-16-4921-7, 1-87677-893-8.
- New Illustrated Encyclopedia for Children. [Животные. Новая иллюстрированная детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-052015-2, 978-5-271-18182-5, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia for Children. [Животные. Детская энциклопедия для самых умных] 2008. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-047052-5, 978-5-271-18183-2, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia for Children for the Most Intelligent. Mammals. [Детская энциклопедия для самых умных. Млекопитающие Серия: Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 64 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046940-6, 978-5-271-18001-9, 978-985-16-5318-4, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia for Children for the Most Intelligent. Stars and Planets. [Детская энциклопедия для самых умных. Звезды и планеты] 2008. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 64 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-048224-5, 978-5-271-18651-6, 978-985-16-4920-0, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Giant Encyclopedia of Life. [Гигантская энциклопедия живого мира Серия: Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 400 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046311-4, 978-5-271-17803-0, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Giant Encyclopedia of Life. [Гигантская энциклопедия живого мира] 2008. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 400 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046310-7, 978-5-271-17802-3, 1-87677-893-8.
- Giant Encyclopedia for Children. [Гигантская детская энциклопедия Серия: Наглядная энциклопедия Аванта+] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Avanta+, Moscow: 432 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-044984-2, 978-5-271-17286-1, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- The Giant Encyclopedia for Children. [Гигантская детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 432 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-044983-5, 978-5-271-17285-4, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- All About Technics. [Все о технике. Новая иллюстрированная детская энциклопедия Серия: Мир энциклопедий Аванта+] 2008. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova MA, Zhukov V & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-047050-1, 978-5-271-18184-9, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia for Children for the Most Intelligent. All About Technics. [Все о технике. Детская энциклопедия для самых умных] 2008. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova MA. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 192 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-047053-2, 978-5-271-18185-6, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Great Encyclopedia for Children [Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-047149-2, 978-5-271-21129-4, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Great Encyclopedia for Children [Большая детская энциклопедия] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-051496-0, 978-5-17-047149-2, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- Encyclopedia of Life [Энциклопедия живого мира Серия: Мир энциклопедий Аванта+] 2008. Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova MA, Schekotova L, & Schigel, DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-055514-7, 978-5-271-21416-5, 1-87677-892-X, 1-87677-893-8.
- The Great Erudite’s Encyclopedia, 2007. [Большая энциклопедия эрудита] Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 240 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-044821-0, 978-5-271-17239-7, 978-985-16-2846-5, 187677-892-X, 187677-893-8.
- Great Erudite’s Encyclopedia. Avanta+ Pictorial Encyclopedia, 2007. [Большая энциклопедия эрудита. Наглядная энциклопедия Аванта+] Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova M & Schekotova L. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Avanta+ Encyclopedia world, Moscow: 240 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-044820-3, 978-5-271-17226-7, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X, 978-985-16-2845-8.
- The Encyclopedia of Animals for Children [Большая детская энциклопедия животных] 2007: Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina U, Schigel DS & Mitrofanova M. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Moscow: 240 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-046796-9, 978-5-271-18025-5, 187677-893-8, 978-985-16-2848-9.
- Great Encyclopedia of Animals for Children. Avanta+ Pictorial Encyclopedia. [Большая детская энциклопедия животных. Наглядная энциклопедия Аванта+] 2007. Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Harvest, Avanta+ Encyclopedia world, Moscow: 240 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-045561-4, 978-5-271-17535-0, 187677-893-8, 978-985-16-2847-2.
- The First Encyclopedia for the Most Intelligent: Great Encyclopedia for Children. [Первая энциклопедия для самых умных] 2007 Transl. Zhukov V, Kasatkina UN, Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 128 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-044750-3, 978-5-271-17227-4, 1-87677-893-8, 1-87677-892-X.
- Erudite’s Encyclopedia for Children. Avanta+ Pictorial Encyclopedia, 2007. [Большая энциклопедия эрудита. Наглядная энциклопедия Аванта+] Transl. Tokareva E, Kasatkina U, Mitrofanova M, Schekotova L, Schigel DS & Zhukov V. AST, Astrel, Folio, Moscow: 576 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 978-5-17-098029-1.
- Berny D, Craig K, Dow L, Knight L, Levi DH, Lampkin S, Morgan S, Parker S 2004: Encyclopedia of Discovery. Nature [Мировая энциклопедия. Природа] Transl. Kasatkina U, Schigel DS, Mitrofanova M. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 640 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-021374-3, 5-271-07669-5, 1-87677-893-8.
- Gifford C 2004: Facts and Records: Space. [Космос. Рекорды и факты. ] Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 64 pp. (In Russian). ISBN -17-020453-1, 5-271-07390-4, 0-7534-0548-2.
- Arnold N & Oliver M 2003: Dangereos creatures [Я познаю мир: Коварные животные]. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 432 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-019319-X, 5-271-03678-2.
- Di Spezio MA 2003: Visual Thinking Puzzles [Головоломки: Смотри и думай]: Transl. Benkovskaya M, Schigel DS, Seferova M. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 96 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-016105-0, 5-271-05129-3, 0-8069-9430-4.
- Chinery M 2002: Butterflies & Moths [Бабочки. Мини-энциклопедия]. Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, HarperCollins Publishers, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-012526-7, 5-271-03758-4, 0-00-472337-6.
- Chinery M 2002: Butterflies & Moths [Бабочки. Мини-энциклопедия]. Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, HarperCollins Publishers, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-012023-0, 5-271-03488-7, 0-00-472337-6.
- Chinery M 2002: Insects [Насекомые. Мини-энциклопедия]. Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 254 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-008710-1, 5-271-02757-0, 0-00-472269-8.
- Harding P 2002: Mushrooms & Toadstools [Грибы. Мини-энциклопедия]. Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, HarperCollins Publishers, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-012191-1, 5-271-03679-0, 0-00-472270-1.
- Harding P 2002: Mushrooms & Toadstools [Грибы. Мини-энциклопедия]. Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, HarperCollins Publishers, Moscow: 256 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-011765-5, 5-271-03320-1, 0-00-472270-1.
- Insects 2002: Transl. Schigel DS. In: Dorling Kindersley Animal [Животные. Иллюстрированная энциклопедия животных всего мира]. AST, Astrel, Dorling Kindersley, Moscow: 624 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-013247-6, 5-271-04021-6, 0-7513-3427-8.
- Pocket Scientist. [Почемучка: Детская энциклопедия (Обо всем на свете)], 2002. Transl. Alcheev I, Bekasova E, Ivanova M, Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 271 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-011368-4, 5-271-04059-3, 0 7460 4682 0.
- Arnold N 2001: Ugly Bugs [Жуки. Для умных, но ленивых]. Transl. Schigel DS. AST, Astrel, Moscow: 144 pp. (In Russian). ISBN 5-17-003983-2, 5-271-00698-0.