ad lignum cariosum et solum
Photo-observations made on the go can be found under my iNaturalist account, and macro images of fungi and some other organisms, together with some expedition photo reports, taken with the DSLR and phone camera – in my Flickr. Some of my photos are used in the scientific and conservation books and book covers. Images are shared under CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC 2.0 and are available for use. E.g. in open access research uses, as long as you indicate the author and year: D. Schigel, 2022, this is fine – but contact me if you plan to sell the derived product with my illustrations.
- Schigel DS 2018: Haploporus odorus. In: Geltman DV (ed.) Red Data book of Leningrad region: plant world. Saint Petersburg: Marafon, 848 pp. ISBN 978-5-903343-16-4 [Красная книга Ленинградской области: Объекты растительного мира] (In Russian).
- Schigel DS 2010: Spider web and dew: 2005 Salla, Finland; cover image. In: Hanski, I. 2010: The shrinking world: ecological consequences of habitat loss [Ускользающий мир: экологические последствия утраты местообитаний]. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 340 pp.
- Schigel DS 2009: Oligoporus leucomallelus, Parmastomyces mollissimus, Rigidoporus crocatus, photographs. In: Andersson, L., Alexeeva, N.M., Kuznetsova E.S. (eds.) 2009: Survey of biologically valuable forests in North-Western European Russia. Vol. 2. Identification manual of species to be used during survey at stand level. Saint-Petersburg, 258 pp.
- Schigel DS 2008: Lepa-antrodiel (Antrodiella serpula) kasvab puidulm mida lepapässik (Inonotus radiatus) on juba lagundanud. Lepäpässiku surnud viljakehade jäänuseid on nähä ka fotol oleva sarapuuoksa alaküljel. Soome, V: Turu, Ruissalo, VII-2004 (Dmitry Schigel 2142), photograph. In. Niemelä, T. Torikseened Soomes ja Eestis. Eesti Loodusfoto, Tartu, 320 pp.
- Schigel DS 2007: Hapalopilus croceus and Endomychus coccineus. — Threatened and insufficiently known Aphyllophorales fungi and their beetles in Finland: (23.X.2008).
- Schigel DS 2007: Phlebia tremellosa, Finland, Salla, 2005. — Ecological catalogue of the Aphyllophorales of Finland and threatened polypores: (23.X.2008).
- Schigel DS. 2005: Voikääpä (Antrodiella serpula) kasvaa puussa, jota lepänkääpä (Inonotus radiatus) on ensin lahottanut, Lepänkäävän kuolleiten itiöemien jatteitä on pähäkinäpensaan rungon alasivustassa. V: Turku, Ruissalo, VII–2004 (Dmitry Schigel 2142), photograph. In: Niemelä, T. Polypores, lignicolous fungi. Norrlinia 13: 62.
Drawing is a hobby that I practice in and out; I favour water colour and water colour pencils, as well as Chinese ink. I use Indian ink and vector graphics for scientific illustrations.
- Schigel DS 1997: Phosphuga atrata, Indian ink. In: Dunayev, E. A. Methods of ecological and entomological surveys [Методы эколого-энтомологических исследований]. Moscow city station of young naturalists: 44 pp.
- Schigel DS 1999: Seed of Chelidonium majus with elaiosome, Indian ink. In: Dunayev, E.A. Ants of Moscow region. Methods of ecological studies. [Муравьи Подмосковья Методы экологических исследований]. Moscow city station of young naturalists: 96 pp.